Superior Calcined Alumina for High Performance Results
High-purity calcined alumina offers reliable operation in semiconductor leading-edge devices, laser components, pressure sensors, bearing coatings and X-ray equipment – and also serves as a body armor material due to its hardness.
Calcined alumina boasts superior sintering properties and serves as the foundation for ceramic products such as wear-resistant nozzles and guides. With its white powder texture and uniform particle size distribution, it is easily dispersed across an area for use. Furthermore, this material offers chemical resistance properties and high temperature shrinkage properties that make it useful in manufacturing ceramic parts.
High-Temperature Resistance
Alumina is one of the strongest and most versatile structural ceramic materials on the market. Due to its excellent thermal stability, corrosion resistance, and electrical insulation properties it can withstand high temperatures in production environments without suffering damage or discolouration – making it perfect for demanding production environments.
Calcination of alumina requires heating aluminum hydroxide at extremely high temperatures in order to remove water and volatile substances, producing an inert and highly robust material with numerous remarkable characteristics. Alumina’s hardness contributes to its impressive abrasion resistance; repeated mechanical contact without loss of shape or integrity has proven its resilience against acids or alkalis at high temperatures while resisting degradation from acids/alkalis can withstand rapid temperature variations with ease.
An addition of rutile can significantly enhance alumina’s thermal shock resistance. Alumina/rutile composites with different rutile contents (0-40wt%) have been successfully sintered to produce dense and strong ceramics with harmonic microstructure and superior mechanical strength, with low contraction rates due to formation of phase having lower crystallite sizes and superior sinterability.
we provides an assortment of calcined alumina grades, such as high-purity 5N calcined alumina for advanced semiconductor applications. This grade features a higher purity level with decreased levels of contaminants for optimal performance in demanding environments. Furthermore, bulk quantities are available to ensure high quality production at cost efficiency.
Chemical Resistance
White fused alumina has the capability of withstanding temperatures of up to 1,800degC without degrading or succumbing to chemical attacks by acids and alkalis, making it a fantastic material choice for applications requiring high performance materials.
Calcined alumina’s low porosity provides it with superior hardness, strength, and wear resistance compared with most ceramics and materials in general, including other alumina ceramics. This property makes calcined alumina ideal for manufacturing high-performance abrasives used for cutting, sanding and polishing applications as well as structural components that must endure extreme working environments.
High purity alumina has numerous applications, from advanced battery technologies where purity has a direct bearing on performance to improving ceramic abrasives’ performance. HPA can be found in many forms used as additives or fillers in cosmetic formulations and cosmetic coatings.
Some porcelain bodies utilize calcined alumina as a replacement for silica to reduce firing shrinkage, increase thixotropy and enhance glaze fit. However, the milled micron-sized alumina must be added at very low percentages (less than 5%) in order to stabilize glaze melt and impart matteness; additionally it cannot replace kaolin due to its higher melting temperature.
High Hardness
Calcined alpha alumina’s corrosion-resistant properties make it a go-to material in advanced industries like aerospace and electronics, where components must withstand extreme temperatures and pressures. Furthermore, it serves as an electrical insulator while being highly resistant to erosion – essential characteristics in high tech ceramics or refractories for use within high tech industries.
In ceramic production, calcined alumina is utilized in the creation of green alumina which then goes through solid-state sintering; during this step, its density increases through heating while particles rearrange, grains expand and pores are eliminated.
Calcined alumina benefits from its superior chemical and thermal stability as a result of the high purity manufacturing processes it undergoes, making it the go-to material for use in refractories and ceramics.
Some manufacturers use calcined alumina as an alternative to silica in porcelain bodies, with the aim of reducing fired shrinkage and warping, increasing thixotropy, improving glaze fit, and adding fired strength. While such claims might hold water, such drastic change could require careful consideration as its properties vary drastically from those of silica.
Low Porosity
Calcined alumina’s low porosity helps it resist thermal shock, making it suitable for high-temperature applications like castings and materials needing to withstand high temperatures. This makes it perfect for use in refractory applications where castings and materials needing resistance can be made with it.
Calcined alumina is also widely utilized in abrasive manufacturing, due to its excellent hardness and wear resistance; these characteristics help speed production times and increase productivity. Calcined alumina can withstand intense working conditions without losing its hardness; additionally, minimal dust generation makes it the superior choice in work environments with strong health and safety concerns.
High-purity calcined alumina (HPA) is widely utilized for advanced ceramic applications, including electronics and aerospace structural components. HPA boasts greater strength and dielectric constant than other UHPAs, making it more suitable for semiconductor use. Furthermore, its lower soda and calcium contents help minimize impurities and contamination for improved device performance.